Research of One Health
The graduate school committee of the university decided to publish a study on the area of agricultural, food, environmental and animal sciences, which ensure the ecological and healthy life. It is the purpose of the publication to develop the practical or basic studies, related to sustainable food production that does not result in additional to the environment based on the earth material circulation.
Posted papers from university graduates who are promoting their own research in the workplace, graduate students, faculty members and researchers who are conducting research related to the purpose and the area described above are largely welcomed, and are reviewed by the editorial board of papers and published through the approval by the graduate school committee.

Population changes behind grassland degradation in Horqin region of Inner Mongolia, China
Yintai Na

2017 Sept
Parasitic leeches (Hirudinea) collected from wild birds in Wild Animal Medical Center of Rakuno Gakuen University
Tomoo Yoshino

2017 Sept
The methods of nutrient supply for muscle glycogen recovery after exercise
Masanari TOGO

2017 June
Geometric calibration CsI (Tl) scintillation program for low level radioactivity measurement
Daiji Endo
2017 June | Taiki Kido | Morphological differences in the cochlea of various species by using resin cast | [PDF] |
2017 June | Shigeru Morita | The economy balance of the breeding farm of Japanese Black cattle from the aspects of the reproduction performance and the growth result of calves | [PDF] |
2016 Dec | Yasukazu Murakamatsu | Genotyping of Coxiella burnetii detected from bovine placenta based on Multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis | [PDF] |
2016 Dec | Shigeru Morita | The effect of parity on the eating behavior and feed intake of milking cows kept in a free-stall barn with two feed and two group system | [PDF] |
2016 Sept | Sayumi YAMADA | Effects of Cultivation of Auricularia polytricha (Cloud Ear Mushroom) by Elaborate Media Including Fermented Bagasse and Brown Suger Shochu Lees on in vitro Functional Properties | [PDF] |
2016 June | Yumiko YASUI | The effects of exogenous ghrelin on dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis in lean and obese mice | [PDF] |
2016 June | Yukari SOTOHIRA | Parasitic nematodes obtained from marsupials reared at a semi-free ranging facility in a Japanese zoological park | [PDF] |
2016 March | Toshifumi Kato | Empirical Analysis Regarding Health Promoting Behavior and Consumer Behavior of Soy Food Products. | [PDF] |
2015 Oct | Naoyuki Maeda | Simultaneous Determination of the Neurotransmitters and Free Amino Acids in Rat Organs by LC-MS Analysis | [PDF] |
2015 Oct | Osamu Ichikawa | Analysis of the economic impact on the pig farmers and their corporate management caused .by the spread of the porcine epidemic diarrhea among domestic swine. | [PDF] |
2015 Oct | Taiki Yoshihira | Effect of stem growth habit on soybean yield stability to planting density. | [PDF] |
2015 Oct | Hiroshi Tokura | History of Communication System Agriculture Education in Rakuno Gakuen and View to Further and Higher Education. | [PDF] |
2015 March | Tomoo Yoshino | Postmortem and helminthological examination of seabirds killed by oil spilled at Ishikari, Hokkaido, Japan, in November 2004 | [PDF] |
2015 March | Yuta Furukawa | Nutrient inflow from creeks around the lake Miyajimanuma | [PDF] |
2015 March | Tooru Ozaki | Research on the Business Development of Community Farming Corporations | [PDF] |
2014 March | Tomoo Yoshino | Filarial nematodes belonging to the superorders Diplotriaenoidea and Aproctoidea from wild and captive birds in Japan | [PDF] |
2014 March | Mayumi Murase | An ectoparasite and epizoite from a western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) stranded on Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan | [PDF] |
2014 March | Mariko MURATA | A study of points for improving the growing sense of risk regarding the food preparation for aged-care facilities | [PDF] |